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Loci Anima
  Loci Anima Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En
Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En

Pathé Les Fauvettes Cinema Rehabilitation (Exterior), Paris

« Third Place For The Seventh Art »
A new inter­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal cinema concept. Breaking with Traditional” archi­tec­ture for movie thea­ters this pro­ject was desi­gned to make a space that would be a place of emo­tion, sha­ring and mee­ting, fea­tu­ring wood, light and plants.

Program Renovation of a cinema complex, 5 digital movie theaters, 646 seats
Site 58 avenue Gobelins, Paris 13e
Floor Area 1 722sqm / 18 500sqft
Cost of construction € 6 500 000 / $ 7 240 000
Timetable Completed 2015
Project owner Les Cinémas Pathé Gaumont

You don’t see a new movie thea­ter ope­ning up in Paris every day. Number 58 ave­nue des Gobelins is an address that is stee­ped in his­tory, a cultu­ral space for more than a cen­tury, suc­ces­si­vely a café-concert hall then a movie thea­ter. Les Fauvettes movie thea­ter recreates the spi­rit of com­mu­nity for which the Gobelins neigh­bo­rhood is so well loved. Walking into this movie thea­ter is like wal­king into a pic­ture thanks to the digi­tal ins­tal­la­tion dreamt up by Françoise Raynaud and made a rea­lity by the artist Miguel Chevalier. The two facades on the bou­le­vard and the adja­cent street are com­ple­tely cove­red in giant pixels and invite the visi­tor into the thea­ter. After the tra­di­tio­nal dark cor­ri­dor, the movie­goer dis­co­vers a gene­rous atrium bathed in light, ope­ning up onto a Japanese-style patio. A brilliant light shaft, this is a green space you can look through, walk around or sim­ply contem­plate. loci anima car­ried out a study on the impact of the cinema thea­ter on changes in social habits and the tech­no­lo­gi­cal uphea­vals taking place in the audio­vi­sual world. Ambitiously, this pro­ject takes a step towards a totally new use of the movie thea­ter. The color white, wood, glass and natu­ral light are omni­present in the spaces, confir­ming this new state of mind.

Pathé Les Fauvettes Cinema Rehabilitation (Exterior), Paris — © Loci Anima
Pathé Les Fauvettes Cinema Rehabilitation (Exterior), Paris — © Loci Anima
Pathé Les Fauvettes Cinema Rehabilitation (Exterior), Paris — © Loci Anima
Pathé Les Fauvettes Cinema Rehabilitation (Exterior), Paris — © Loci Anima