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Loci Anima
  Loci Anima Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En
Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En


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07 DECEMBER 2020, 01PM

Webconference on Facebook with the House of Architecture île de France about post indus­trial ani­mism, by Françoise Raynaud, archi­tect, foun­der of Loci Anima.

– Link to the web­con­fe­rence


JUNE 2020

Special issue l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui this month.
The rela­tion­ship bet­ween nature and man is one of the fun­da­men­tals in the approach adop­ted by archi­tect Françoise Raynaud, foun­der of Loci Anima in 2000. 

Being visio­nary is not about always loo­king for fur­ther tech­no­logy; on the contrary, it is about aspi­ring to pro­duce and use only what is neces­sary.”

– Read the inter­view of Françoise Raynaud

The City of tomorrow and its challenges

MARCH 21, 2020

Meet Françoise Raynaud at the Saint Quentin en Yvelines thea­ter at 7:00 p.m. for a round table dis­cus­sion on the fan­ta­si­zed city with Philippe Chiambaretta (archi­tect, foun­der from the PCA-STREAM stu­dio) and Alain Musset (geo­gra­pher direc­tor of study EHESS, spe­cia­list in the repre­sen­ta­tion of cities in science fic­tion).
More info on: thea​tresqy​.org

Loci anima winner of the competition Archipel 2

Strasbourg, France


A pro­ject with Loci anima and DEA archi­tectes for towers that invent ano­ther way of living high up. In this totally new approach that has never been seen before, one of the tower is mul­ti­mo­dal, each inha­bi­tant has the choice of taking a path­way, abun­dant in gree­nery, to get to and from their homes. The gree­nery of the Park extends upwards, plant-life colo­nises the floors from the ground up, crea­ting a gar­den trail that runs conti­nuously without inter­rup­tion on the out­side. At each level, inha­bi­tants can stop off at a com­mu­nal green space that connects to all of the other green spaces, which are real islands of nature and take the time to slow down, to relax, to admire the views, to seek shade or light depen­ding on the sea­son or the time of day. This path­way, this out­door trail, will enable all inha­bi­tants to expe­rience the hori­zon again, the sen­sa­tion of body and space, the bene­fits of phy­si­cal exer­cise, and also to meet up with neigh­bours and recon­nect with the ele­ments. The best of both worlds – city life in a coun­try­side set­ting.

Olympic Games 2024, finalist project

Saint Denis, France

December 2020

A buil­ding that reuses old mari­time contai­ners to build a 126 rooms resi­dence for ath­letes, a res­tau­rant and a gar­den with a health course on the mez­za­nine and magni­ficent views of the Seine.
Their stan­dar­di­zed size makes it easy to stack them up seve­ral floors. Along with being modu­lar, they resist water, fire, shock and salt. Fitted out and iso­la­ted, they can thus become a buil­ding like the others.
This seven-story buil­ding pre­sents itself as an evol­ving sys­tem that could be trans­for­med over time and as nee­ded. The contai­ners act as real cells having the abi­lity to plug and unplug. Today they are rooms for ath­letes, yet tomor­row they can evolve into uni­ver­sity resi­dences or offices. The struc­ture is mobile, flexible, and constantly evol­ving. It is the­re­fore an eco­no­mi­cal, prac­ti­cal, cle­ver and recy­clable pro­ject.



Françoise Raynaud, god­mo­ther of the Little Architects” of Issy les Moulineaux for the 2019–2020 school year. Wednesday after­noons to intro­duce chil­dren to archi­tec­ture and the pro­fes­sion of archi­tect.

© Nicolas Fagot Studio 9


OCTOBER 23, 2019

Join and meet us in New York for a drink and talk during Archtober.


OCTOBER 22, 2019

Greenwich West opens its doors for the first time next week for the Archtober buil­ding visit.
This pro­gram is orga­ni­zed by AIA in conjunc­tion with Archtober, New York City’s month-long archi­tec­ture and design fes­ti­val. +


OCTOBER 16, 2019

Winning pro­ject for the Gold Gesture in Paris after being the win­ning pro­ject of the Reinventing Paris 2 com­pe­ti­tion last January.


OCTOBER 15, 2019

Come and lis­ten Françoise Raynaud about the sen­si­tive city.


20 MAY 2019

Join us for a round-table talk on Architecture and Animism, hos­ted by loci anima archi­tec­tures. In the cur­rent context of New York City Green Deal, we will be addres­sing the foun­ding ele­ments of archi­tec­tu­ral sus­tai­na­bi­lity from a holis­tic and ani­mist point of view. Energy and waste cycles are at the core of this approach.
Speaking will be Jonathan Thornhill, part­ner archi­tect from loci anima and with guest spea­ker, Clare Miflin foun­der of HandWoven. The event will take place at Greenwich West gal­lery, spot­ligh­ting loci anima’s first New York tower.
Read more


10 MAY 2019

An urban signal for the entrance to Montpellier, this office buil­ding will ener­gize the dis­trict of Garosud and contri­bute to the deve­lop­ment of its urban mixity. Heliotropic, this office buil­ding feeds on light. Its facades change from dark to light at the top to reflect the sun’s rays and blend into the sky. It changes its appea­rance and colours accor­ding to dif­ferent times of the day, the wea­ther, the angle of the sun and bewitches the pas­ser-by, who becomes a spec­ta­tor of an aes­the­tic opti­cal game.

Inauguration of the campus aquarel

4 april 2019

A ten-year adven­ture ends! The Aquarel office cam­pus will be inau­gu­ra­ted on April 04 at Pont d’Issy-les-Moulineaux.
On the banks of the Seine, Campus Aquarel, loca­ted in the com­mune of Issy les Moulineaux, enjoys an excep­tio­nal urban loca­tion that com­bines city buzz with natu­ral spaces. It is oppo­site the Île Saint-Germain and has a lovely view over the west of the Greater Paris Area, with the Mont Valérien and La Défense in the dis­tance. Designed as a super­im­po­si­tion of strata, it plays with regres­sion and angles.

Read more

© JP Porcher

Live in height

Thursday, march 28 at 8 pm

Find us for the confe­rence of Françoise Raynaud, archi­tect.
Multimedia Room of the City Hall
62 rue du General Leclerc in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

The factory of five senses

January 2019

Winning pro­ject for the Reinventing Paris 2 com­pe­ti­tion in January 2019 on the Seine water pum­ping plant site cal­led Auteuil fac­tory” in the 16th arron­dis­se­ment in Paris. A citi­zen pro­ject, car­ried by the local resi­dents.

Read more