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Loci Anima
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Studio Projects News Press Contact Fr En

The factory of Five Senses, Paris, France

Winning pro­ject for the Reinventing Paris 2 com­pe­ti­tion in January 2019 on the Seine water pum­ping plant site cal­led Auteuil fac­tory” in the 16th arron­dis­se­ment in Paris. A citi­zen pro­ject, car­ried by the local resi­dents.

Program Mixed uses: Youth Hostel, shops, shared gardens, urban farm, co-working…
Floor area 2900 m²
Owner Usine des cinq sens
Location 77 avenue de Versailles à Paris 75016
Architect loci anima
Concrete structure BET Khephren
Facad structure Fluides et HQE Elements Ingenierie
Quantity surveyor VPEAS
Landscape MOZ paysage
Fire Safety WSP
Certifications BDF and Biodivercity
Images Grenade

The Usine des Cinq Sens is a sen­sory labo­ra­tory. By crea­ting a synergy of all five senses, it allows each of us to feel more in har­mony with our­selves, with others and with the world. The Usine des Cinq Sens is a space that opens out to the neigh­bou­rhood and to the Seine. It’s a space that people walk through, a connec­ting space, but also cir­cum­scri­bed space that exists in itself. The archi­tec­tu­ral choice of a per­istyle, ins­pi­red by the Roman domus”, gives it its iden­tity. It demar­cates the space on the ground and in terms of height without clo­sing it off, without fen­cing it in. The cour­tyard-gar­den, which resembles an implu­vium” encou­rages the recy­cling of water, dia­logue and inter­ac­tion. Planted areas abound and the buil­dings adja­cent to the halls have been demo­li­shed. The two halls and their indus­trial archi­tec­ture have been magni­fied, both out­side and within, where the space is constantly evol­ving. Finally, a Pavilion of the Senses turns the pro­cess of dra­wing water from the Seine into a moving tableau. It evokes the glo­riettes” that were so popu­lar in the 18th cen­tury, the per­fect place to dream away a sunny after­noon.

The factory of Five Senses, Paris, France — © Loci Anima
The factory of Five Senses, Paris, France — © Loci Anima
The factory of Five Senses, Paris, France — © Loci Anima