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Loci Anima
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Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En

La Première Tour Multimodale, Strasbourg

Strasbourg Archipelago”
The block is no lon­ger an urban block orga­ni­sed around a park, but a park sown” with buil­dings. To ensure that this land­sca­ped space is per­cei­ved by all, the 4 buil­dings that make it up have been indi­vi­dua­li­sed and set apart from each other. They share a com­mon DNA and are ancho­red in the same base. The pro­ject pro­poses a vision of what it might be like to live in a high-rise buil­ding, taking account of cli­mate change and a para­digm shift in high-rise living. It is on this concep­tual basis that we can deve­lop two dif­ferent land­sca­ped areas, two islands of cool­ness’ for­ming an exten­sion of the park.

Program 108 flats, 2 16-storey towers, 1 9-storey tower, 1 office block and crèche
Floor area 9 550 m2 / 102 795 sf
Client Groupement Les promoteurs d’aujourd’hui – leader TOPAZE promotion
Location Strasbourg, France
Architect Loci Anima, with DEArchitectes
Sustainability Label E+C
Renderings Grenade

Living at height can be syno­ny­mous with well-being. Living high up can be a way of recon­nec­ting with the ele­ments, with nature and with your­self. Living at height can mean wal­king, strol­ling, drea­ming, slo­wing down, moving. Living at height can be an invi­ta­tion to reclaim urban space as a sen­sory expe­rience.

In a novel approach, one of the towers is mul­ti­mo­dal, allo­wing resi­dents to enter or leave their homes via a plan­ted out­door path. The height of the tower is an exten­sion of the park, with the vege­ta­tion sprea­ding upwards from the ground, crea­ting a land­scape path that can be explo­red from the out­side. At each level, there are plan­ted and sha­red spaces, connec­ted to each other, islands of cool­ness where you can relax, admire the views, seek shade or light depen­ding on the sea­son or time of day. This walk, this out­door route, allows eve­ryone to redis­co­ver a sense of the hori­zon, a sense of body and space, the bene­fits of phy­si­cal exer­cise, but also to meet their neigh­bours and recon­nect with the ele­ments. And to live in the city, as if in a coun­try land­scape.

La Première Tour Multimodale, Strasbourg — © Loci Anima
La Première Tour Multimodale, Strasbourg — © Loci Anima
La Première Tour Multimodale, Strasbourg — © Loci Anima
La Première Tour Multimodale, Strasbourg — © Loci Anima
La Première Tour Multimodale, Strasbourg — © Loci Anima