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Loci Anima
  Loci Anima Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En
Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En

The MGEN apiary

Above, below, in the trees, the apiary offers a thou­sand ways to gather food. It’s a col­lec­tive way of living, an orga­ni­za­tion that ima­gines living toge­ther.
The desire to pre­serve as much of the vege­ta­tion as pos­sible has led to a cen­tral layout for the buil­dings, reser­ving a rea­so­ned urba­nity for the heart of the block. The buil­dings are posi­tio­ned on a sur­face pier­ced by patios, cove­ring a plan­ted base in the middle of a wood.

Program Residential 384 apartments
Floor area 22 000m²
Client BPD Marignan / Sogima
Location Marseille
Deign Team Architects Loci Anima et Caractère spécial ; Landscape Architect Sarah Ten Dam ; Engineering Adret Associés
Estimated construction cost 30 630 000 €
Dates Competion 2017
The MGEN apiary — © Loci Anima
The MGEN apiary — © Loci Anima
The MGEN apiary — © Loci Anima