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Loci Anima
  Loci Anima Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En
Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En

Meudon, a beguinage of biodiversity

This urban com­po­si­tion is concei­ved as a haven of peace around a public gar­den, crea­ting a pea­ce­ful, serene set­ting. Nature is at the heart of the pro­ject, with a num­ber of fea­tures desi­gned to host the bio­di­ver­sity of the banks of the Seine, and the use of ter­ra­cotta for the facades and roofs, a natu­ral mate­rial that can be recy­cled ad infi­ni­tum. The aim is to pro­ject the hou­sing of tomor­row, skil­fully expo­sed and natu­rally ven­ti­la­ted, orien­ted towards plea­sure and use, in sym­bio­sis with its ter­ri­tory, as a link bet­ween the city and the Seine.

Programme 52 logements et 400m² de commerces
Surface De Plancher 3 151 m²
Maitrise d'ouvrage Sefri Cime
Emplacement Meudon
Equipe MOE Architecte Loci‐Anima ; Paysagiste Land‐Act ; Acoustique Aida ; Environnement Edda
Dates Concours 2021 (non lauréat)
Meudon, a beguinage of biodiversity — © Loci Anima
Meudon, a beguinage of biodiversity — © Loci Anima
Meudon, a beguinage of biodiversity — © Loci Anima
Meudon, a beguinage of biodiversity — © Loci Anima
Meudon, a beguinage of biodiversity — © Loci Anima