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Studio Projects News Press Contact Fr En

Dreamcatcher Nodeul Dream Island

Dreamcatcher ”
Nodeul island turns into a place dedi­ca­ted to music.
The pro­ject is carac­te­ri­sed by its immense canopy that pro­tects it from the bad wea­ther and gives it a dream­like pre­sence like a phan­tom ves­sel.

Program International Competition for an Opera and a Concert Hall on Nodeul Island
Site Nodeul Island, Seoul, South Korea
Floor Area 50 500 m²
Cost of construction 500 000 000 €
Timetable 2005
Project Owner City of Seoul

The island of Nodeul turns into a place dedi­ca­ted to music. There is a concert hall with 1500 seats, a tro­glo­dyte room for expe­ri­men­tal music, a large concert area on an open lawn, accom­pa­nying equip­ment (music schools, thea­ter, etc.). The water in sum­mer thanks to pon­toons deployed and orga­nize on the cove­red lawns in win­ter. The pro­ject, which recei­ved the jury prize, is desi­gned as an ins­truc­tion manual for an elec­tro­nic device with variable geo­me­try com­bi­ning the idea of mobi­lity with an archi­tec­tu­ral wri­ting ins­pi­red by the 5 senses: the opera is decli­ned in acid colors, One buil­ding evokes sweet­ness and ano­ther sweet­ness. The canopy consists of seve­ral hun­dred tightly woven cables in order to create varia­tions in mesh den­sity or to leave voids above cer­tain parts of the pro­gram. Stretched at either end, the cables are orien­ted either upwards or down­wards to create a three-dimen­sio­nal volume. To main­tain the cables at these alti­tudes, metal spa­cers are used, which keep the cables apart from each other. This com­plex sys­tem of brai­ded cables rests on a light struc­ture of posts and metal beams self-bra­cing by the ten­sion of the cables.

Dreamcatcher Nodeul Dream Island — © Loci Anima
Dreamcatcher Nodeul Dream Island — © Loci Anima
Dreamcatcher Nodeul Dream Island — © Loci Anima
Dreamcatcher Nodeul Dream Island — © Loci Anima