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Loci Anima
  Loci Anima Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En
Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En

Petit Bourg Belvederes, Valenciennes

The pro­ject is set in a down­town urban context. The uni­que­ness of the pro­ject is defi­ned by its hete­ro­ge­neous sur­roun­ding fabric, varying heights and old plot struc­ture. A mul­ti­tude of small buil­dings echo the spe­ci­fi­city of the city of Valenciennes, crea­ting new land­marks. These varying heights offer a view of the city from bel­ve­deres. The two buil­dings open up an open-air pedes­trian shop­ping street and set the scene for the city by empha­si­zing the view axes.

Program Retail, Seniors' residence, 82 Housing units
Floor area 18 400m²
Client ING Real Estate
Location Valenciennes
Design Team Architect Loci Anima ; Structure Khephren ; HVAC & Energy Elithis ; Quantity Surveyor Seychaud Et Bossuyt
Estimation construction cost 30M€
Dates Building Permt 2008
Sustainability Certifications BBC
Petit Bourg Belvederes, Valenciennes — © Loci Anima
Petit Bourg Belvederes, Valenciennes — © Loci Anima
Petit Bourg Belvederes, Valenciennes — © Loci Anima