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Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En

Low Carbon Renovation, Zehrfuss Tower, St Denis

A win­ter over­coat ”
A buil­ding that wraps itself up when it gets cold and takes off a layer when it gets hot. This is the prin­ciple under­lying
the reno­va­tion of the tower block built in 1970 by Bernard Zehrfuss. In 2009, this pro­ject won the Low Carbon Renovation com­pe­ti­tion orga­ni­zed by EDF.

Program Renovation of a building constructed by Bernard Zehrfuss
Site Saint-Denis ,France
Floor Area 5 170sqm / 55 650sqft
Cost of construction € 8 800 000 / $ 9 900 000
Timetable 2009 (not completed)
Project owners Siemens, EDF
Certification HQE, BBC, Low Carbone

Built in 1970 by the archi­tect Bernard Zehrfuss, the epo­ny­mous tower block is ele­gant and inno­va­tive, but noto­riously poorly insu­la­ted. The pro­ject aimed to remedy this draw­back while conser­ving the ori­gi­na­lity of the façade. With win­dows that can now be ope­ned, the buil­ding breathes in sum­mer without the use of air-condi­tio­ning. Thanks to its struc­tu­ral concrete shaft and to the ther­mal points on the façade, the heat is cha­sed out­side the buil­ding. In win­ter, infla­table blinds made from EFTE, a highly insu­la­ting mate­rial that is trans­pa­rent, are lowe­red along cables and cover the exte­rior façade, pro­vi­ding a warm over­coat for the buil­ding.

Low Carbon Renovation, Zehrfuss Tower, St Denis — © Loci Anima
Low Carbon Renovation, Zehrfuss Tower, St Denis — © Loci Anima
Low Carbon Renovation, Zehrfuss Tower, St Denis, ©Fond Zehrfuss — © Loci Anima
©Fond Zehrfuss
Low Carbon Renovation, Zehrfuss Tower, St Denis, ©Fond Zehrfuss — © Loci Anima
©Fond Zehrfuss