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Loci Anima
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Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En

Tours Koala, Issy Les Moulineaux

Stratifications of hou­sing. The bro­ken line of long stag­ge­red bal­co­nies meti­cu­lously off­set to bene­fit from the best sun­shine. The sin­gu­lar slopes of the balus­trades leave large gla­zed areas to reveal the views. All the apart­ments bene­fit from very large exte­rior spaces. The under­side of these ter­races have light reflec­ting cei­lings.

PROGRAMME 60 appartements en accession, 34 logements sociaux
SURFACE DE PLANCHER 7 734 m2 83 248 sqft
INVESTISSEUR AXA Investment Managers Real Asset
EMPLACEMENT Issy-les-Moulineaux (92) France
EQUIPE MOE Architecte :loci anima -Architecte associé :Arte Charpentier -Site Direction SD Ingéniérie Ingéniérie structure Khephren ingéniérie Design Interieur Atelier J+J Paysagiste TUP Ingenieur Acoustique Lasa Ingénieur Structure ETB Antonelly Consultant Energie ITHEL Botaniste Patrick Blanc Images IDA+
Coût des travaux (HT) e13 500 000 $ 15 000 000
Dates réalisé
Certifications HQE, BBC
Prix Lauréat de La Pyramide d’Or 2016
Tours Koala, Issy Les Moulineaux — © Loci Anima
Tours Koala, Issy Les Moulineaux — © Loci Anima
Tours Koala, Issy Les Moulineaux — © Loci Anima
Tours Koala, Issy Les Moulineaux — © Loci Anima