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Loci Anima
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Studio Projects News Press Contact Fr En

Urban Fractal Tower, New York

The buil­ding grid and volume are frac­ta­li­zed by the urban contraints within the geo­me­try of the urban pixel and mani­fes­ted by regu­lar win­dow ope­nings and buil­ding volumes. The frames of these ope­nings are high­ligh­ted by cus­tom gla­zed brick sur­rounds and reflect the sun­light and light from Hudson into apart­ments.

Program High-rise condominiums, offices, shops and automatic carpark
Floor area 21 800 m2 / 233 000 sqft
Owner Cape Advisors, Strategic Capital, Forum Absolute Capital Partners
Location Manhattan, New York USA
Design Team Executive Architect Adamson
Interior Designer Sebastien Segers
Structural Engineers Tocci
HVAC Engineers Stantec
Facades Engineers Hoffman
Botanist Patrick Blanc
Cost of works (excl. VAT) € 114 000 000 / $ 127 300 000
Date Completion 2020

Long 16-inch (40cm) bricks, made from light grey sandy clay and ins­pi­red by the colours of the Hudson River, were spe­cially desi­gned to fit in with the spi­rit of the place. Our approach is based on a pre­fe­rence for simple mate­rial that has under­gone noble treat­ment, the absence of orna­men­ta­tion and a quest for the essen­tial. It’s a clean vision of shape and of mate­rials which makes a buil­ding that is in rea­lity reso­lu­tely contem­po­rary. We have adhe­red to the neigh­bou­rhood tra­di­tion to a cer­tain degree. Yes, this is an indus­trial part of the city but it is also a place for artists. It blends tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion. We’ve construc­ted a buil­ding that is rela­ti­vely clas­si­cal, but we didn’t want an indus­trial brick buil­ding so typi­cal of the 19th cen­tury. This is what also gives this tower its sin­gu­lar design, as if it were big­ger than it really is. 

The apart­ments are desi­gned so that their large ope­nings cap­ture the view, the light, the wind and the reflec­tion of the Hudson, which make this loca­tion so spe­cial. In order to ensure that all of the apart­ments enjoy natu­ral light and sun, inclu­ding those facing directly onto other buil­dings, the archi­tec­tu­ral chal­lenge was to mul­ti­ply the construc­tion angles to pro­vide them with two views, at least one of which onto the Hudson. It also see­med essen­tial for the apart­ments on the higher floors with their magni­ficent views to take advan­tage of both sides of the buil­ding. So the facades were construc­ted using a typi­cally New York method on a basic repe­ti­tive grid” but the pro­por­tion of glass facades is remar­kable, accoun­ting for 60% of the sur­face of the tower.

Urban Fractal Tower, New York, Greenwich West - downtown sunset and Hudson river views — © Loci Anima
Greenwich West - downtown sunset and Hudson river views
Urban Fractal Tower, New York, Greenwich West - Charlton street entrance — © Loci Anima
Greenwich West - Charlton street entrance
Urban Fractal Tower, New York, Greenwich West - glazed brick facade and terrace details — © Loci Anima
Greenwich West - glazed brick facade and terrace details
Urban Fractal Tower, New York, Greenwich West - Charlton street entrance — © Loci Anima
Greenwich West - Charlton street entrance