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Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy

«Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy »
Implanté en bord de Seine, le Campus d’Issy-les-Moulineaux béné­fi­cie de vues et de pers­pec­tives excep­tion­nelles. Conçues comme une super­po­si­tion de strates, ryth­mées par des jeux de retraits et d’angles, ses façades sculp­tées captent la lumière. Le bâti­ment offre des espaces de tra­vail en triple orien­ta­tion, de larges ter­rasses exté­rieures en hau­teur acces­sibles à tous. Livré, le Campus a dû être agrandi pour répondre aux demandes de Cap Gemini qui s’y ins­tal­lait. L’agence a réa­lisé en 12 semaines, une exten­sion en bois de 7 étages et de 3122 m2 sans modi­fier les struc­tures exis­tantes.

Program Office Headquarters
Investor AXA Investment Managers Real Asset
Developer SEFRI-CIME
Floor area 33708 m2 area including 3100 m2 R+8 storey timber structure extension
Location Issy-les-Moulineaux, Grand Paris
Architect Loci anima, in collaboration with Arte Charpentier
Project director Vincent Laplante
Interior Designer Jean-Philippe Nuel
Site manager Artélia
Structure and timber structure engineers Terrell
HVAC Engineers Egis bâtiments
Façades Engineers Elioth
Quantity surveyor CEE
Security consultant CSD-FACES
Environmental engineers Egis Concept
Landscape architect Land Act
Acoustic engineers Avel
Kitchen consultant Axyal
Health and safety-building control Socotec
Cost of works (HT) (without wood extension) 70 M €
Date Livré en 2017 et extension bois en 2019
Certifications HQE excellent, BREEAM very good
Prize Golden pyramid first prize for urban mixed use developments in 2016 for the Pont d’Issy eco-district mixed condominium and affordable housing, shops, offices, services and green spaces
Photographers © Jean-Pierre Porcher / © Grégoire Crétinon / © Aziz Ghanine

This buil­ding is part of a set of buil­dings that has been evol­ving constantly over 10 years. The stu­dio drew ins­pi­ra­tion from the Seine and from its geo­logy to design it as a stra­ti­fied rock, ero­ded and sculp­ted by the ele­ments and by time. This explains its rocky aspect. Like a relief from the Quaternary per­iod, it’s a geo­me­tric sys­tem” inten­ded to adapt to the site as it evolves and the whole design is deter­mi­ned by the views. An auda­cious archi­tec­tu­ral choice was made to stack up can­ti­le­ve­red ele­ments with set-back façades.

A bio­mor­phic buil­ding

It is a bio­mor­phic buil­ding. The lines are bor­ro­wed from mine­ral forms and are archi­tec­tu­rally expres­sed in the super­im­po­si­tion of the strata of the façades. At the edge of the river bank, these sculp­ted façades cap­ture the light. Seeking to respond to human helio­tro­pism, the white façades with their adjus­table Venetian blinds alter­nate with dar­ker double-gla­zed brea­thing façades that have an inte­gra­ted solar sha­ding sys­tem.
This buil­ding is desi­gned from the inside, by wor­king on its ope­nings so as to be able to pro­vide as much natu­ral light and as many view points as pos­sible of the Seine, the Ile Saint Germain and Paris. So the pro­ject has a spe­cial rela­tion­ship with the land­scape, it has works­paces that face in three direc­tions, large out­door ter­races on the higher floors that are acces­sible to all. All the out­door spaces are lin­ked to the works­paces and that blur­red the indoor-out­door boun­dary.

A woo­den exten­sion

When the buil­ding was com­ple­ted, the stu­dio had to extend it to meet Cap Gemini’s requi­re­ments.
The buil­ding is in a U shape around a gar­den. This gave us the idea of a meta­pho­ri­cal tree in the gar­den. Using wood meant that we were able to construct a 7-floor exten­sion cove­ring 3,122 sqm in 12 weeks, without modi­fying the exis­ting struc­tures. Today, in the ground level gar­den, the ran­domly erec­ted woo­den beams recall this ori­gi­nal idea and create an impres­sion of trees in a forest.

Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima
Campus Aquarel, Pont d’Issy — © Loci Anima