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Loci Anima
  Loci Anima Studio Projects News Press Contact Fr En
Studio Projects News Press Contact Fr En

Quartier A4 EST, Boulogne-Billancourt

Urban design of 4A East dis­trict for offices, hou­sing, student hou­sing, a school and retail. At the centre of the island, a school in bio­di­ver­sity, flora and fauna in a natu­ral envi­ron­ment. The gym­na­sium retrai­ning wall is the habi­tat for birds insects and ani­mals of the city.

Program Development of a mixed neighborhood and public equipment: 13 481sqm of offices, activities and stores (Loci Anima). 10 272sqm of mixed housing and stores (Remy Marciano; Béal & Blankaert). A 3 200sqm student residence (Hamonic & Masson). A 6 600sqm gymnasium and school (Chartier Dalix).
Site Macro lot A4 Est, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
Floor Area 34 243sqm / 370 500sqft
Cost of construction € 70 000 000 / $ 78 000 000
Timetable Completed in 2015
Project Owners Développement Boulogne Seguin, SAEM Val de Seine (aménageur), Vinci Immobilier, Nexity Entreprise.
Certification HQE

Designed as Urban Architect of the A4 Est Neighborhood, the pro­ject places the school right in the cen­ter of the island, like a land­scape freeing up views and dra­wing all eyes towards it. The gym­na­sium is hid­den under a large green space which the school backs onto, while the play­grounds are clim­bing ter­races and gar­dens, evo­king rice fields plan­ted up a moun­tain side. In order to enrich the bio­di­ver­sity of the island, the inter­ior of the school resembles a frag­ment of a cliff which will soon be cove­red in abun­dant vege­ta­tion. This means that the offices and the apart­ments enjoy a totally open and green view. They them­selves are desi­gned as tools for bio­di­ver­sity: soli­tary bee­hives have been ins­tal­led on the roof­tops in an effort to pro­mote pol­li­na­tion, huge col­lec­tive plan­ters and pots are dot­ted den­sely across the ter­races of the apart­ments and offices, bird­fee­ders have been pla­ced in the spaces out­side the uni­ver­sity resi­dence. The macro lot is gra­dually being colo­ni­zed by its very diverse users within dif­ferent time­frames but with a great deal of inter­min­gling. Residents, school chil­dren, office wor­kers, but also hed­ge­hogs, sun­flo­wers, bees, small birds of prey and pop­pies are all appro­pria­ting the space that they share.
Photos : Jean Pierre Porcher /​Film : André Moine

Quartier A4 EST, Boulogne-Billancourt — © Loci Anima
Quartier A4 EST, Boulogne-Billancourt — © Loci Anima
Quartier A4 EST, Boulogne-Billancourt — © Loci Anima
Quartier A4 EST, Boulogne-Billancourt — © Loci Anima
Quartier A4 EST, Boulogne-Billancourt — © Loci Anima
Quartier A4 EST, Boulogne-Billancourt — © Loci Anima