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Loci_City Projects Studio News Press Contact Fr En

Mille-Feuille tower block, New York

« Mille-Feuilles Of Glass »
One hun­dred pocket gar­dens in the heart of Manhattan. The dual prin­ciple of qua­lity view and out­door exten­sion, governs the spe­cial spa­tial orga­ni­za­tion and the mor­pho­logy of the tower block.

Program Tower block housing apartments, offices, stores and automatic parking
Site Hudson Square, Manhattan, New-York, USA
Floor Area 21 800sqm / 233 000sqft
Timetable 2015 (not completed)
Project owners Cape Advisors, Forum Absolute Capital Partners

The dual prin­ciple of a qua­lity view and out­door exten­sion, a value-added ele­ment that is highly pri­zed by New Yorkers, governs the spe­cial spa­tial orga­ni­za­tion and the mor­pho­logy of the tower block. Each unit has its own pocket gar­den of around 15sqm/​50sqft and was indi­vi­dually desi­gned in accor­dance with the direc­tion in which it faces since the dif­ferent views, floor by floor, were the deci­ding fac­tor in which way the living rooms would face. The pocket gar­dens are real gar­dens that will be pre-plan­ted in accor­dance with their height, leve­ra­ging the know­ledge of Patrick Blanc. Full height glass sheets caress the facades, making the high-level gar­dens com­for­table and pro­tec­ting them from the wind. Colonizing plants will grow bet­ween these brea­thing screens. This ver­ti­cal mille-feuille struc­ture creates the spe­cial shape of this pro­ject.

Mille-Feuille tower block, New York — © Loci Anima
Mille-Feuille tower block, New York — © Loci Anima
Mille-Feuille tower block, New York — © Loci Anima